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The EPA was started by President Richard Nixon and he began it all. On December 2,1970 the EPA was working on lots of endangered animals. One of their many missions is to help the Rusty Patched Bumble Bee from a terrible pesticide. The agency is led by the administer who was appointed by the president. The EPA was originally founded in Washington DC.

Bees fit into the food chain because it helps flowers by carrying pollen from plant to plant. So let's say almond trees die out, that means less cattle and chickens are alive because they eat almonds and that means less milk and cheese. Also our diet will change because we will not be able to eat a lot of things.

The Mid West is where the bees live. It is the most common pollination area. The Mid West has lots of flowers, so it needs lots of bees. We need to fight for the bees to keep them alive.

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